Monthly Archives: August 2014

Auditory Flashbacks: Darkhaus

Ear­li­er this week, I was lis­ten­ing to some music I’d been intro­duced to quite recent­ly when this lit­tle ear­worm by Dark­haus came scream­ing in.

It’s called “Son of a Gun,” and it’s way too catchy to keep to myself.

Lis­ten, enjoy, and pass it on:

Lyrics (here).

On the death of Robin Williams (and celebrity deaths in general)

I was­n’t plan­ning to post any­thing today, at least, until I real­ized I prob­a­bly owe my friends and read­ers an expla­na­tion about why I don’t tend to mark the occa­sions of celebri­ty deaths. It’s some­thing I’ve most­ly tak­en for grant­ed, but on the flip side, I’m not sure if it’s some­thing those around me under­stand that well since I haven’t opened up too much about it.

So, here’s my expla­na­tion in a (very large) nutshell:

Con­tin­ue read­ing

Auditory Flashbacks: Johnny Hollow does Temple of Love!

It’s been a while since my last post, and that’s because I’ve been fair­ly busy with sev­er­al projects on the go.

Any­way, I heard this song tonight and had to share: