Monthly Archives: January 2002

Fireside Meditation

Wish you were here
to share in this moment,
spicy aro­ma of pine in the air
com­fort­ing warmth from with­in a hearth
bil­lion blue dia­mond stars above our heads
wisps of cloud amongst whis­per­ing winds
morn­ing fog descend­ing with the final snowflakes
crisp white ground all around us
the crack­le and sput­ter of a near­by fire
as we sit on snow-capped tree stumps
mov­ing in flu­id conversation
away from all that hurts
away from all that nev­er mattered
alone togeth­er and jubilant
clear and free
face to face
… timeless
and beautiful.


It was a day unlike the others
Where flesh was law at night
With no rea­son for reason
No focus but ourselves

Teem­ing with lust and power
We burned our innocence
And trea­sured its ashes
Like a song so distant

There are no regrets now
No mid­dle road to seek
Only pas­sion’s iron hold
Poignant, unbreak­able, jovial

Two bod­ies mov­ing as one
Tongue on flesh, tongue inside
Squirm­ing, minds whirling ever faster
Released, reju­ve­nat­ed, so aware

Sparks and explo­sion in our bodies
Fly­ing high to the high­est peaks
Realms of ecsta­sy undimmed by time
Set free by pain and plea­sure’s touch

It was a moment like no oth­er, this love
Indeli­ble and sweet, a mem­o­ry to keep.

In time I’ll stand in a dis­tant place
Below the stars, remem­ber­ing fond­ly that eve
When we burned our innocence
And trea­sured its ashes.