Monthly Archives: March 2015

A Primer on Global Warming and Climate Change

Chances are you’ve heard some men­tion in the media or among gov­ern­ment in recent years about the top­ics of glob­al warm­ing, extreme weath­er, or cli­mate change. I won’t do sci­en­tists the indig­ni­ty of con­sid­er­ing the mat­ter a ‘debate’ much less use this word, because it would imply we’re still at the stage of try­ing to see if the meter swings one way or the oth­er on this impor­tant issue. No, much to the sur­prise of many, sci­ence has devel­oped itself exten­sive­ly and spo­ken in great cer­tain­ty: there is no longer any debate, and glob­al warm­ing and cli­mate change are both real and caused by humans.

So if there’s one post you peek at on the sub­ject today, let it be this one.

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