Monthly Archives: January 2007

Sincerely, a Fan.

Form­less and free, in uni­ver­sal form
Nei­ther one nor the oth­er, you walk
As gen­der you have enshrined
The beau­ty with­in both sides:
All of it, as far as possible
Nev­er stop­ping till all paths lit,

Brave­ly, with­out the ghost of shame or fear
You give the world a glance of the new –
Some­thing wild and free from bonds
Some­thing hon­est for all to love

For those like you,
The lights you burn,
The sparkle you let fly,
The doors you open,
The lines you shatter,
The stig­mas you erase,
And the fun you have doing it
With music and song …

For a job so very well done
As few would have courage to do

May you always stand tall above the tide.

Twisting Wires

Here I sit qui­et­ly, ever twist­ing wires,
A fey won­der of the world unseen

But as tur­moil leaves me nigh untouched
And those around me now turn a blind eye

I sim­ply sit qui­et­ly, twist­ing wires
Shap­ing anew the sub­tle realities

My mag­ic blends into dai­ly scenes
Trans­par­ent as glass in a silent pond

Chil­dren run and play in jovial bliss
While here I sit, the com­po­nents in my grasp

And my peers give me a nod, or the rare question
“What is it exact­ly that you do here?”

And I will but shrug, and let loose a smile
And pre­tend as if noth­ing had just happened

Time to car­ry on and see the next, friend,
Let us be car­ried away by a world of wonders!

A mil­lion glit­ter­ing fire­flies shall light my way home
As on invis­i­ble wings I will alight to my place

Now mid­night! I look down in wry smiles
And float up to the heart of the dreaming

Think­ing always of inalien­able truths
Think­ing always of my life’s call –

Mag­ic revealed ne’er brings dreams of its own
And won­ders in pieces are seen as just that,

So there, friend, lies my rea­sons of secrecy
For the world needs new won­ders each morn,
And the world needs new dream­ers each night,

Let inspi­ra­tion’s vision be thy clar­i­on call –
When you’re sit­ting still as I,
Qui­et­ly twist­ing wires.


Blos­som­ing clouds
Starfire and veils all!
Alight in free­dom’s breath,
Music of the heavens
Care­free laughs from on high

With starfire and veils
We dress the world with a ban­ner of hope
Anoint the land in drops of paradise

And from for­est crown to deep­est stream
Let our song ring and no ears fall deaf

Now let your body fall free
And your wings car­ry you high!

From this day you are reborn carefree,
To dance across the skies,
And nev­er miss a step.


As I lay down my head
Turn­ing off for the stars
In the night to the mists
Now con­veyed as a spark

Now a ghost in the shell
And the dreams that may come
Be the king of the world
Or a dove in the skies

But what good is a king
Whose rich­es turn to tears?
And where is my peace
Once my sun­lit flight shall end?

With a down­load flash
I’ll be back in my body
To car­ry the fiery sunrise
For anoth­er new day

And we’re ask­ing why
To the dawn of the endless
And we’re ask­ing why
That this dream­ing ends

Oh why, with cap in hand
We’re offloaded to a fall
And a hun­dred blinks of chaos?
To sort it piece by piece …

And as I mourn this night
A bil­lion mar­tyred stars,
Flame-tongued war­riors, kept on fighting
For a breath of day­light freedom

And will I live again?
Does this air greet my face,
Or was it shuf­fled away, so random
Dur­ing the dreams of day­light glory? –
To open oth­er doors,
Which leads me far from home.

And we call it the soul
Which is it real­ly nature’s code?
And it seems like … no one
Tru­ly sees the bugs within

For now they call it death,
Until I call to end the dream
With a show­er of sakura
And a bil­lion sun-ground raindrops

And now we call it life,
We call it life.