Terms of Service

Last updat­ed: 2012 Dec 01


1. Gen­er­al
1a. Overview and Acceptance
1b. Severability
1b. Assign­ment of Juris­dic­tion and Waiver
1d. Disclaimer

2. Copy­right, Repro­duc­tion, and Pub­li­ca­tion Rights
2a. Stan­dard Policy
2b. Oth­er Terms and Licenses

3. Accept­able Conduct
3a. Eti­quette and Expectations
3b. Mis­use of Net­work Resources

4. Pri­va­cy Policy
4a. How Infor­ma­tion is Collected
4b. How Infor­ma­tion is Used

5. Online Commerce
5a. Assign­ment of Juris­dic­tion and Gov­ern­ing Laws
5b. Con­tact Information
5c. Payments
5d. Shipping
5e. Feedback
5f. Miscellaneous

6. Vio­la­tions

7. Sum­ma­ry, Entire Agreement



1a. Overview, Scope, and Acceptance.

Your access to this web­site includ­ing any of its con­tent, domains, sub­do­mains, e‑mail ser­vices, pod­casts, arti­cles, soft­ware, intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty, or oth­er prod­ucts or ser­vices (col­lec­tive­ly referred to as the “site”) is sub­ject to the terms of a legal agree­ment between you and the site own­er, Crim­son Halo.

Crim­son Halo” refers to the pre­ferred online iden­ti­ty of the per­son that is the own­er, author and main­tain­er of the site and who holds the domain reg­is­tra­tion paper­work for this site and its con­tent. It will be used inter­change­ably with “author” through­out this doc­u­ment; also used here is the term “vis­i­tor” which refers to any enti­ty (includ­ing you) that access­es this site or any of its con­tent or ser­vices for any reason.

It is under­stood by all par­ties that the author may peri­od­i­cal­ly revise the Terms of Ser­vice at any time and with­out notice to the vis­i­tor. Accord­ing­ly, a read­i­ly acces­si­ble copy of the most cur­rent ver­sion of this agree­ment will be main­tained online at http://www.crimsonhalo.com/terms-of-service/ and will indi­cate the date on which that revi­sion came into effect.

Access to this site is grant­ed exclu­sive­ly on the basis of your con­sent to, and com­pli­ance with, these Terms of Ser­vice. By access­ing the site, you solemn­ly affirm that you have read and agreed to these terms, and fur­ther, you con­sent to be bound by their full appli­ca­tion, use, and admin­is­tra­tion in the course of your rela­tion­ship with the site and its author. You can demon­strate your con­sent to the Terms of Ser­vice by actu­al­ly mak­ing use of the Web­site or its assets or resources, in which case the author reserves the right to con­strue such as uncon­di­tion­al accep­tance and con­sent from that point onward.

If you do not accept and con­sent to the Terms of Ser­vice in full, you are imme­di­ate­ly required to dis­con­tin­ue your access and use of this site. Addi­tion­al­ly, you may not access the site or accept the Terms of Ser­vice if either: (a) you are not of the legal age to form a bind­ing con­tract with the Author; or (b) you are a per­son barred by law from receiv­ing access to this site or its ser­vices by any law or reg­u­la­tion applic­a­ble to res­i­dents of British Colum­bia, or in your own coun­try under the laws of your cur­rent place of residence.

1b. Sev­er­abil­i­ty.

It is under­stood and agreed that each clause in these Terms of Ser­vice is indi­vid­ual and sev­er­able from the oth­ers and is con­sid­ered an inde­pen­dent agree­ment with the Author. In the event one or more pro­vi­sions are deemed unen­force­able or are oth­er­wise inval­i­dat­ed for any rea­son, this shall not have any effect on or dimin­ish or impair the valid­i­ty of any of the remain­ing provisions.

In the event any sin­gle pro­vi­sion is found to be invalid, ille­gal, or unen­force­able, the Terms of Ser­vice shall be con­strued as if such unen­force­able pro­vi­sion had nev­er exist­ed with­in, except in any case where such inter­pre­ta­tion would result in a mate­r­i­al change of cir­cun­stances so as to cause com­ple­tion of the rela­tion­ships and ful­fill­ment of the trans­ac­tions not­ed here­in to become unreasonable.

1c. Assign­ment of Juris­dic­tion and Waiver.

These Terms of Ser­vice shall be gov­erned, enforced, inter­pret­ed and con­strued in accor­dance with all of the laws and statutes of the Province of British Colum­bia, Cana­da, and with­out regard to the laws of the vis­i­tor’s loca­tion and any pos­si­ble con­flict of law provisions.

The site author resides nor­mal­ly in Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia. As such, and also because the con­tent orig­i­nates from this loca­tion, this city shall stand as the sole mutu­al­ly cho­sen and legal­ly sen­si­ble legal juris­dic­tion, duly agreed upon by both author and vis­i­tor, in the course of han­dling all legal mat­ters and dis­putes of any kind. You here­by agree to sub­mit to the legal juris­dic­tion of Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia, Cana­da in the mat­ter of han­dling any legal mat­ters and with­out exemp­tions or exclu­sions of any kind.

The vis­i­tor agrees to waive any rights they may have to seek legal rem­e­dy or redress else­where in any oth­er geo­graph­ic loca­tion, state, juris­dic­tion, venue, or sys­tem. The vis­i­tor under­stands that this is an agree­ment to waive those rights and solemn­ly affirms that their con­sent to this stip­u­la­tion has been giv­en, and that it has been giv­en freely and with­out duress.

In the unlike­ly event a dis­pute should arise, the vis­i­tor fur­ther agrees to defend, hold harm­less and reim­burse the Author as a result of any claims or mat­ters aris­ing in any oth­er jurisdictions.

The vis­tior agrees in advance that the sole rem­e­dy for all legal exam­i­na­tions, dis­cus­sions and deci­sion-mak­ing shall be to per­form and pur­sue all nec­es­sary res­o­lu­tion options with­in the city of Vic­to­ria, BC, Cana­da, using one or more of: (a) elec­tron­ic cor­re­spon­dence such as e‑mail or tele­phone calls, (b) a mutu­al­ly agreed upon con­sul­ta­tion in a neu­tral loca­tion such as a con­fer­ence room for the pur­pos­es of dis­cus­sion and res­o­lu­tion, or © through an insti­tu­tion of the law includ­ing lay ser­vice providers, law courts, or oth­er legal options.

As a con­di­tion of being allowed access to this Web­site you agree to resolve any claims, caus­es of action or dis­putes with the Author or the Web­site exclu­sive­ly accord­ing to the meth­ods out­lined in these Terms of Ser­vice. The laws of British Colum­bia will gov­ern any state­ments as well as any claims that may arise. The vis­i­tor agrees to sub­mit to the juris­dic­tion of the courts in Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia, Cana­da for the pur­pose of lit­i­gat­ing any such claims.

1d. Dis­claimer.

The mate­r­i­al on this site is pro­vid­ed for infor­ma­tion­al pur­pos­es only. All con­tent is offered on an “as-is basis” and there are no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties of any kind, express or implied, about the com­plete­ness, accu­ra­cy, reli­a­bil­i­ty, suit­abil­i­ty or avail­abil­i­ty with respect to the site or any of its con­tent or ser­vices for any pur­pose. Any reliance you place on such infor­ma­tion is there­fore strict­ly at your own risk.

In no event will the author be held liable for any loss or dam­age includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, indi­rect or con­se­quen­tial loss, harm or dam­age, per­son­al injury, or any loss or dam­age what­so­ev­er aris­ing from loss of data or prof­its aris­ing out of or in con­nec­tion with the use of this site or any of its con­tent or ser­vices. You agree to defend, indem­ni­fy and hold the author harm­less from and against all claims, dam­ages, loss­es, and expens­es of any kind (includ­ing rea­son­able legal fees and costs) relat­ed to any claim, expense, error, choice or use of the infor­ma­tion con­tained on this site or any of its con­tent or services.

Through this web­site the vis­i­tor is able to link to and fol­low oth­er sites that are not under the con­trol of the author. We have no con­trol over the nature, con­tent and avail­abil­i­ty of those sites. The inclu­sion of any links does not nec­es­sar­i­ly sig­ni­fy a rec­om­men­da­tion or endorse­ment of the linked material.

Every effort is made to keep the site up and run­ning smooth­ly, how­ev­er, the author takes no respon­si­bil­i­ty for, and will not be liable for, any issues relat­ing to the site expe­ri­enc­ing down­time, data loss, or errors.

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2a. Stan­dard Policy.

Unless oth­er­wise not­ed, all mate­r­i­al on this site and all items pro­vid­ed by this site’s con­tent and ser­vices is and shall remain the prop­er­ty and copy­right of the author, Crim­son Halo. No mate­ri­als may be repro­duced or stored by any means, elec­tron­ic or mechan­i­cal, with­out hav­ing first obtained the spe­cif­ic writ­ten con­sent of the author.

Link­ing to con­tent on the site, includ­ing deeplink­ing, is accept­able and encour­aged, as it has noth­ing to do with copy­right. Link­ing is freely encour­aged to the extent that it (a) pro­motes healthy shar­ing of infor­ma­tion, (b) occurs in good faith with­out mali­cious activ­i­ty, and © does not cause dis­rup­tion to the site or any net­work resources.

2b. Oth­er Terms and Licenses.

From time to time, the author may release some projects under the terms of an “open license” (for exam­ple, the GNU Gen­er­al Pub­lic Licence or the Cre­ative Com­mons Share Alike License) with the inten­tion of encour­ag­ing shar­ing, prop­a­ga­tion, and col­lab­o­ra­tive efforts. These projects will be man­aged indi­vid­u­al­ly on a case by case basis, and each will indi­cate which licens­es apply and include down­load­able copies of the license agreement(s).

In terms of any orig­i­nal mate­r­i­al or con­tent cre­at­ed by the author of this site which is shared under an open license, those licens­es will be con­sid­ered sec­ondary and an adden­dum to these Terms of Ser­vice. They do not dimin­ish the posi­tion of the author as law­ful copy­right hold­er, but they do exist to pro­mote use of the project(s) in a more flex­i­ble man­ner as not­ed in the spir­it and let­ter of those licenses.

Projects released under open licences through this site or its ser­vices are sub­ject to a “zero finan­cial gain” pol­i­cy. While these works can be copied, remixed, down­loaded, mir­rored, or shared in accor­dance with the terms of their licences, under no cir­cum­stances do you have per­mis­sion to use these works for the pur­pos­es of cre­at­ing finan­cial gain or earn­ing a profit.

It will be the sole respon­si­bil­i­ty of the per­son who makes use of, or dis­trib­utes, any open works to stay prop­er­ly up to date on the licence terms of that work as well as to read and under­stand the licence pri­or to mir­ror­ing, shar­ing, archiv­ing, or in any way using the open con­tent. Open-license projects marked as orig­i­nat­ing from a dif­fer­ent enti­ty who is not the author of this Web­site shall retain any orig­i­nal cita­tions, arrange­ments, and author­ship as not­ed by their project spec­i­fi­ca­tions and licences.

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3a. Eti­quette and Expectations.

As the site makes some use of var­i­ous forums, e‑mail tools, mail­ing lists, and oth­er resources, it will be expect­ed at all times that the vis­i­tor main­tain good stand­ing and use the site and its resources in a safe, sane, and friend­ly manner.

3b. Mis­use of Net­work Resources.

On all parts of this site and its ser­vices, the fol­low­ing are prohibited:

  • Cir­cum­ven­tion of any CAPTCHA, SSL, authen­ti­ca­tion, or cre­den­tial confirmation;
  • Traf­fic relays, link farms, open prox­ies, spam, and mul­ti­ple iden­ti­cal forum posts;
  • Flash mobs, denial-of-ser­vice, dis­trib­uted denial-of-service;
  • Per­son­al attacks, flame wars, or oth­er harass­ing conduct;
  • Overuse of the mail serv­er, web gate­way, or data­bas­es; and
  • Any action that jeop­ar­dizes any per­son­’s secu­ri­ty or privacy.

In oth­er words, treat oth­ers as you’d like to be treat­ed and we’ll get along fine.

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This pol­i­cy gov­erns how the site col­lects, uses, main­tains and dis­clos­es infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed from vis­i­tors. It applies sitewide and to all prod­ucts or ser­vices the site and its author may offer. We encour­age vis­i­tors to fre­quent­ly check this page for any changes and stay informed about how we are help­ing to pro­tect the infor­ma­tion we col­lect. You under­stand and agree it is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to review this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy peri­od­i­cal­ly and become aware of changes.

4a. How Infor­ma­tion is Collected.

Per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion may be col­lect­ed from the vis­i­tor in very spe­cif­ic ways, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to when you reg­is­ter on the site, place an order, place a con­tact request, sub­scribe to elec­tron­ic forums or dis­cus­sion lists, respond to a sur­vey, fill out a form, or in con­nec­tion with oth­er spe­cif­ic fea­tures or resources that may be avail­able through the site.

For spe­cif­ic ser­vices, such as sub­scrip­tions, vis­i­tors may be asked for their name, e‑mail address, mail­ing address, or phone num­ber. This site col­lects per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion only when the user vol­un­tar­i­ly sub­mits it. Vis­i­tors can still use the site anony­mous­ly with­out col­lec­tion of per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able data. Vis­i­tors may also refuse to sup­ply per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion to ser­vices which request it, how­ev­er this may pre­vent them from access­ing those ser­vices or engag­ing in cer­tain activities.

Non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion is col­lect­ed from users when they inter­act with this site. The data may include but is not lim­it­ed to IP address, web brows­er, screen res­o­lu­tion, com­put­er type, or oth­er tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion about the means of con­nec­tion to the site such as oper­at­ing sys­tem, Inter­net provider, or sim­i­lar infor­ma­tion. The site also uses brows­er cook­ies to enhance the user expe­ri­ence, for which the vis­i­tor’s brows­er may place cook­ies on their hard dri­ve for this pur­pose. The vis­i­tor can choose to set their brows­er to refuse cook­ies, or to alert them when cook­ies are received and sent, how­ev­er these set­tings may cause some parts of the site to func­tion incorrectly.

4b. How Infor­ma­tion is Used.

This site may col­lect and use per­son­al infor­ma­tion for:

  • Pro­cess­ing trans­ac­tions, orders, and ser­vice delivery;
  • Pro­vid­ing users with infor­ma­tion they request­ed on top­ics that may be of inter­est or use to them.
  • Pro­mo­tions or sur­veys on site-spe­cif­ic events and features.
  • Improv­ing the site based on the feed­back you pro­vide; and
  • Improv­ing the cus­tomer ser­vice process.

The con­tact details the vis­i­tor pro­vides for order pro­cess­ing will only be used for cor­re­spon­dence relat­ed to those orders. It may also be used to respond to inquiries, and/or oth­er requests or ques­tions. We do not share any infor­ma­tion with out­side par­ties except to the extent nec­es­sary to pro­vide ser­vice or answer questions.

If the vis­i­tor opts in to a mail­ing list or forum, they will receive e‑mails that may include news, updates, prod­uct and ser­vice infor­ma­tion, etc. If at any time the vis­i­tor wants to unsub­scribe from this cor­re­spon­dence, the unsub­scribe instruc­tions can be found at the bot­tom of the e‑mails or in the list FAQ or forum FAQ.

To the best of our abil­i­ty, this site uses data col­lec­tion, stor­age and pro­cess­ing prac­tices to pro­tect against unau­tho­rized access, alter­ation, dis­clo­sure or destruc­tion of your infor­ma­tion and data that is stored on our site. We do not sell, trade, or rent vis­i­tors’ per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion to oth­ers. We may share gener­ic aggre­gat­ed demo­graph­ic infor­ma­tion not linked to any per­son­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion infor­ma­tion regard­ing vis­i­tor traf­fic and users with our part­ners, trust­ed affil­i­ates and adver­tis­ers for the pur­pos­es out­lined above.

Users may find links or oth­er means on the site to con­nect to our part­ners, sup­pli­ers, adver­tis­ers, spon­sors, licen­sors and oth­er third par­ties. We do not con­trol the con­tent or links that appear on these sites and are not respon­si­ble for the prac­tices employed by web­sites linked to or from our site. In addi­tion, those sites or ser­vices, includ­ing their con­tent and links, may be con­stant­ly chang­ing and may have their own pri­va­cy poli­cies and cus­tomer ser­vice poli­cies. Brows­ing and inter­ac­tion on any oth­er web­site, includ­ing web­sites which have a link to our site, is sub­ject to that web­site’s own dis­cre­tion, terms, and policies.

Ads may be deliv­ered to users as a result of some embed­ded con­tent from third par­ty sites (for exam­ple, YouTube). This pri­va­cy pol­i­cy does not cov­er the poli­cies of these third par­ty net­works, how­ev­er if you are con­cerned or wish to know more you would be encour­aged to locate and read their spe­cif­ic poli­cies. If prac­ti­cal or pos­si­ble, remote-loaded video or oth­er con­tent may be stripped of any data col­lec­tion capabilities.

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While not cur­rent­ly in place, future revi­sions of this site may add the func­tion­al­i­ty of plug-ins and applets for online com­merce (for exam­ple, eBay). Addi­tion­al­ly, as the site author is a mem­ber of eBay as a buy­er, it is impor­tant for sell­ers to be aware of this site’s poli­cies and pro­ce­dures regard­ing online commerce.

5a. Assign­ment of Juris­dic­tion and Gov­ern­ing Laws.

It is under­stood, agreed, and affirmed by the vis­i­tor that all of the gov­ern­ing laws, juris­dic­tion and venue for all trans­ac­tions and legal mat­ters (regard­less of whether they occur online or offline, or are offered direct­ly through this site or indi­rect­ly through a third-par­ty ser­vice or web­site) shall be those named in Part 1 (Gen­er­al) of these Terms of Service.

By par­tic­i­pat­ing in any trans­ac­tion or ser­vice offered by this site or its author, the vis­i­tor here­by acknowl­edges their par­tic­i­pa­tion in any trans­ac­tion shall, for all legal intents and pur­pos­es, con­sti­tute a con­trac­tu­al sig­na­ture and entry into a bind­ing con­tract with the author in dig­i­tal form, of no less sig­nif­i­cance than that of a sig­na­ture formed on paper, and that the same shall be inter­pret­ed at all times as a demon­stra­tion of the vis­i­tor’s under­stand­ing, intent, and bind­ing con­sent to the assign­ment of legal rights, juris­dic­tion, and gov­ern­ing laws set out by these Terms of Service.

5b. Con­tact Information.

Should you have any ques­tions, you agree to make con­tact with the author with­in a rea­son­able amount of time (ide­al­ly, 72 hours), either by using the site Con­tact Page to send a direct e‑mail, or through the ‘Con­tact Mem­ber’ links in the trans­ac­tion cor­re­spon­dence pro­vid­ed by the applic­a­ble third par­ty elec­tron­ic service.

You will typ­i­cal­ly receive a response back with­in 24 hours on nor­mal days, or with­in 48 to a max­i­mum of 72 hours dur­ing statu­to­ry hol­i­days and sea­son­al rushes.

5c. Pay­ments.

All prices are list­ed in US funds.

The full amount of any item(s), along with ship­ping and han­dling costs, is due with­in sev­en (7) cal­en­dar days of the vis­i­tor mak­ing a request for goods or ser­vices, enter­ing a win­ning bid, or oth­er­wise clos­ing the sale.

Pay­Pal shall be used for all trans­ac­tions. This ser­vice per­mits you to make your pay­ment via cred­it card as well as by many alter­nate means.

While most Pay­Pal meth­ods are instant and clear imme­di­ate­ly, the one excep­tion is the eCheck option, which has dif­fer­ent pro­cess­ing times in dif­fer­ent regions. Pro­cess­ing times for eCheck are: USA 4–5 busi­ness days, Cana­da 8 busi­ness days, Aus­tralia 8 busi­ness days, UK 9 busi­ness days, oth­er coun­tries 9–10 busi­ness days.

For secu­ri­ty rea­sons, I do not accept pay­ment by cheque, wire trans­fer, scrip, bit­coin, online cur­ren­cy, or mon­ey order. There are sim­ply too many hacks, scams, and forg­eries in the wild to make it worth my time.

Non­pay­ment in sites with trans­ac­tion feed­back sys­tems will result in a non-per­form­ing bid­der (NPB) com­plaint. In the event a bid retrac­tion is need­ed, please review the rel­e­vant poli­cies (exter­nal links here and here which apply to eBay). Sell­ers are allowed to hon­our only gen­uine requests for retrac­tion or with­draw­al; to avoid any unnec­es­sary NPB strikes, the buy­er must pro­vide imme­di­ate notice if a pay­ment will be delayed or is unable to be completed.

For the pur­pos­es of all oth­er online com­merce sys­tems, this site will exer­cise sim­i­lar stan­dards and expec­ta­tions as close­ly as pos­si­ble. Non­per­for­mance or fail­ure to pay is seri­ous and will not be tol­er­at­ed; all such inci­dents will be for­ward­ed to the appro­pri­ate gov­er­nance enti­ty for a full resolution.

The with­draw­al or retrac­tion of any com­plet­ed trans­ac­tion or auc­tion bid incurs a restock­ing fee, which will be cal­cu­lat­ed and billed as follows:

  • The full amount of any trans­ac­tion com­ple­tion or can­cel­la­tion fees, plus
  • The full amount of any trans­ac­tion re-list­ing fees, plus
  • The full amount of any finan­cial penal­ties assessed by third par­ties or pro­cess­ing insti­tu­tions as a result of the cir­cum­stances of the trans­ac­tion, plus
  • A basic han­dling fee, in the amount of two US dol­lars ($2.00 USD) for the cost of human labour to resolve the failed or can­celled transaction.

The restock­ing fee pol­i­cy applies to all can­cel­la­tions, bid retrac­tions, and trans­ac­tion withdrawals.

5d. Ship­ping.

I ship to North Amer­i­ca, South Amer­i­ca, Aus­tralia, and Europe.

Please ver­i­fy your ship­ping and billing address­es before mak­ing pay­ment. The buy­er assumes all respon­si­bil­i­ty and risk of loss in the event incor­rect infor­ma­tion or an unde­liv­er­able address was pro­vid­ed. Again, make sure you have the right details on file.

Once pay­ment has been made, orders will be shipped through Cana­da Post. Deliv­ery to North and South Amer­i­ca takes 7 to 21 busi­ness days. Deliv­ery over­seas to all oth­er des­ti­na­tions takes 14 to 40 busi­ness days.

Inter­na­tion­al buy­ers please note that import duties, tax­es and charges are not includ­ed in the item price or ship­ping and han­dling charges. These charges are the buy­er’s respon­si­bil­i­ty. Please check with your coun­try’s cus­toms office to deter­mine what these addi­tion­al costs (if any) will be pri­or to bidding/buying. Cus­toms inspec­tion at the des­ti­na­tion coun­try may cause slight delays; unfor­tu­nate­ly, the sell­er has no con­trol over this.

For mul­ti­ple items, all orders pur­chased and paid for with­in 48 hours will be com­bined for ship­ping. Sub­se­quent orders will also be com­bined and shipped in 48-hour cycles unless the buy­er requests otherwise.

Par­cel track­ing and insur­ance are required on orders over $50. Addi­tion­al sig­na­ture con­fir­ma­tion is required on orders over $150. These items pro­vide enhanced secu­ri­ty, track­ing options, and account­abil­i­ty. If your order does­n’t include track­ing, you may set this up any time before your pay­ment is sent.

Depar­ture pho­tos are tak­en at the post office indi­cat­ing the order, par­cel, postage, and the des­ti­na­tion address pro­vid­ed by the buy­er. These will ordi­nar­i­ly be avail­able on request. In the case of an online auc­tion ser­vice, depar­ture data will be pro­vid­ed as a stan­dard ser­vice to the buy­er by way of a mes­sage con­tain­ing the rel­e­vant instruc­tions and links.

A dif­fer­ent postal car­ri­er may be cho­sen at the option and respon­si­bil­i­ty of the buy­er, or by the sell­er in event of a postal strike, lock­out, nat­ur­al dis­as­ter, or oth­er nation­al­ly rec­og­nized spe­cial sit­u­a­tion where postal deliv­ery routes and/or ser­vices are dis­rupt­ed. In event of ser­vice dis­rup­tion where the buy­er choos­es not to arrange alter­nate ship­ping, a full refund may be issued.

5e. Feed­back

Please remem­ber to keep any feed­back accu­rate, cour­te­ous, and professional.

Do not solic­it any feed­back pri­or to ship­ping or deliv­ery. These requests will NOT be hon­oured as they are against the terms of ser­vice at most e‑commerce sites and online auc­tion hous­es. You will receive your feed­back once the order has been received and verified.

If you’re new to online auc­tions, please remem­ber that the feed­back sys­tems are NOT to be used for ques­tions about items, pay­ment details or ship­ping. These are cus­tomer ser­vice mat­ters which can be addressed by click­ing ‘Ask a Ques­tion’ on the rel­e­vant auc­tion page.

5f. Mis­cel­la­neous

Cur­rent­ly I do not offer a return policy.

Exclu­sive of all oth­er sit­u­a­tions, refunds are per­mit­ted when:

  • The buy­er has sig­nif­i­cant­ly over­paid as the result of some typo or acci­den­tal error (for exam­ple, enter­ing 99.99 instead of 9.99);
  • The postal author­i­ty has issued an insur­ance pay­out on a par­cel lost, dam­aged, or destroyed due to some error, neg­li­gence or loss on the part of the postal car­ri­er or its agent;
  • The buy­er elects to with­draw their order instead of make alter­nate mail ser­vice arrange­ments in sit­u­a­tions where a postal car­ri­er has been dis­rupt­ed due to strike or some oth­er nation­al­ly rec­og­nized problem.

Any per­son engag­ing in dis­rup­tive, decep­tive, fraud­u­lent or NSF (non-suf­fi­cient funds) trans­ac­tions shall be liable for the full expense and con­se­quences of his or her own acts and omis­sions aris­ing from or relat­ed to any inci­dent of error, wrong­do­ing, neg­li­gence, or mis­con­duct, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to repay­ing the sell­er the costs of all user fees, finan­cial insti­tu­tion fees, and legal fees incurred in the course of han­dling the incident.

Any per­son found to be involved in dis­rup­tive, decep­tive, fraud­u­lent or NSF (non-suf­fi­cient funds) activ­i­ties may be barred, with­out lim­i­ta­tion of dura­tion, from par­tic­i­pa­tion in this site’s prod­ucts and services.

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