Auditory Flashbacks: Cauda Pavonis, Adversus, Flesh Field, Aesthetic Perfection, Aïboforcen, Aeon Sable, The Birthday Massacre, Battery, and Qntal

After more than ten hours of hard work, the Links page is final­ly up to date, along with a slew of new addi­tions to the music sec­tion. Artists begin­ning with let­ters A through F are com­plete, with each entry researched pri­or to list­ing in order to make the most use­ful resources avail­able to read­ers who are inter­est­ed in explor­ing fur­ther. In cas­es where an artist has retired or gone on hia­tus, I’ve tried to link to resources that offer the most com­plete overview of their musi­cal works.

Now that that’s fin­ished, ON TO THE MUSIC!

Start­ing off tonight’s round of offer­ings is the awe­some, dri­ving sound of the one and only Cau­da Pavonis:

Next up, we have the ulti­mate grave­yard ser­e­nade: Adver­sus’ See­len­win­ter. The song is an old favourite of mine, and see­ing the video hits even hard­er than any­thing before.

Those voic­es, those melodies … they’re eight bliss­ful, soar­ing min­utes of pure lovelorn flight. I adore every part of it. Stu­dio ver­sion here. Frankly, though, I think this one works much bet­ter live.

And now for a dif­fer­ent kind of love song, the next track is per­formed by Flesh Field and remixed by L’Âme Immortelle for extra danceability:

On the sub­ject of dance­abil­i­ty, I sup­pose it’s only appro­pri­ate if I also throw in some­thing from Aes­thet­ic Perfection …

… some­thing from Aïboforcen …

… some­thing from Aeon Sable,

… and some­thing from The Birth­day Massacre.

All right, time to wind things down. On to the lush, lay­ered sound­scape of Bat­tery’s “Dop­pel­gänger”

And now, on to the grand finale.

I HIGHLY rec­om­mend you find a qui­et, com­fort­able place to relax for this last song; you’ll prob­a­bly want to put on head­phones and turn out the lights, too. Hit PLAY, lie back and let your­self be enchant­ed … for these are the sounds of dreams eternal:

Hope you enjoyed tonight’s installment!
Warm wish­es and star­ry tides,

~ crim­son

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