Tag Archives: adora batbrat

Auditory Flashbacks: Helalyn Flowers, Asperger Synthdrome

While brows­ing the BC goth feeds on Face­book this morn­ing, I found a link to “Hybrid Moments” by Hela­lyn Flow­ers. This love­ly Ital­ian band is a bit of an unknown for me, so I took a moment to lis­ten, then, very con­tent with the melodies of their colour­ful sound­scapes, I prompt­ly went look­ing for more.

It turns out they have a nice body of work in cir­cu­la­tion, sit­ting in the shad­ows wait­ing for lis­ten­ers like us to dig a bit more deeply. So let’s break out the shov­els, nein?

Next up is a video I’ve been want­i­ng to post for ages, some­how it got lost in the shuf­fle a while back. That’s espe­cial­ly unfor­tu­nate since I’m a fan of Ado­ra Bat­Brat, and I LOVE hear­ing her sing.

Actu­al­ly, it’s Ado­ra and her sis­ter that both head up their band, Asperg­er Syn­th­drome. At a grace­ful 44 (sur­prised?) Ado­ra’s vein of tal­ent and abil­i­ty to con­stant­ly shake things up and rein­vent her­self makes me see par­al­lels with Madon­na. I mean this as a com­pli­ment — it takes a lot of ener­gy (and an exact­ing eye) to bal­ance ongo­ing fash­ion design, aggres­sive self-pro­mo­tion, and the kind of mar­ket­ing genius that Ado­ra’s put into her work.

Hope today’s post brings a smile to your face! Sure is nice, being able to share this with my readers.

Star­ry tides and fair winds,
~ crimson