Tag Archives: this ascension

Auditory Flashbacks: This Ascension

It is present­ly five o’clock in the morn­ing, and I just arrived home from work.

Along the way, I was hit with a real­iza­tion, the same one I’ve had many a time but nev­er real­ly shared here before: fin­ish­ing these late shifts always ends with a real­ly qui­et ride home, and it’s some­thing I’ve grown to appre­ci­ate. It feels like cycling through a dead city after the zom­bie apoc­a­lypse has come and gone, with not a soul in sight unless you count wildlife, and even that tends to be pret­ty iso­lat­ed and sparse in the three-to-five win­dow of time.

Actu­al­ly, I love it. The world just seems like it’s tee­ter­ing on the brink of some­thing amaz­ing at moments like those, so full of qui­et pos­si­bil­i­ties, so very ready to burst forth into a flur­ry of life and motion.

In the spir­it of that soli­tude, here’s a blast from the past from a band who (sad­ly) isn’t togeth­er any longer but whose mem­o­ries and glo­ri­ous sound will always cast a com­fort­able shad­ow in these halls … This Ascension!

And you’ve got to admit, there’s hard­ly a bet­ter sound to accom­pa­ny a sink­ing cres­cent moon and indi­go skies.

For­ev­er Shak­en ( +lyrics ):

Angel Light: