I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so it’s time to get the wheels turning again.
First up is a song by Within Temptation called Never Ending Story. This is one of my favourites from their discography:
This song’s melodies and words erupt with truth; in life, we are part of that greater tale. I also think that, reading between the lines, it’s a good idea to be able to switch roles between observer and participant, muse and purveyor, creator and consumer, leader and follower. The stream of life is bursting with opportunities for us to experience, learn, and accumulate knowledge. The more we explore, the more versatile it can make us.
Being present and aware of one’s existence in the overall context of that tale as it is being written is, to me, one of the most important aspects of being alive.
You can find the lyrics to this song here.
And now for something completely different …
If you know my tastes, you might remember I’m also a long time fan of the Cruxshadows. Aside from Rogue’s gravity defying hair getting plenty of stage time, they’ve been burning up the airwaves with some especially profound tracks during the last decade and only seem to be getting better with age.
What I’d like to share with my readers tonight is a 2009 release, Quicksilver, that stands brilliantly head-and-shoulders above the rest. I’m actually rather embarrassed this one somehow managed to fly under my radar until just last night.
Quicksilver is a motivational anthem whose lush, danceable soundscapes and powerful lyrics convey soulful perseverence with no shortage of unapologetic honesty and raw emotional power. The vocal intonations will reverberate particularly well in the heart of anyone who’s been down that unenviable road to hell (and back).
(Is it really any wonder this track ended up topping the charts?)
Quicksilver is a song that a lot of people have needed to hear for a long time. It beautifully touches on the price of individual struggle, voices the feelings that come with rebuilding the psyche, and exudes the courage that comes with learning once more to step forward.
I’d actually take it a step further and say what this song inspires in me: the reminder that healing is not all (or always) individualized. Sometimes it can take the help of another, or many others. If you know someone who’s down and hurting, don’t let it go unnoticed. Share inspiration, and let hope find a way in.