Tag Archives: cruxshadows

Auditory Flashbacks: The Crüxshadows

Now as then,
still truth.

Amidst the misty tides, and the Sentinel song.

My ear­worm du jour …

While it was at first the melody that caught my atten­tion and made me shim­mer a lit­tle on the inside, when I final­ly got around to read­ing the lyrics I real­ized all of a sud­den that this has pret­ty much been an anthem for the past few weeks.

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Ear Candy!

I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so it’s time to get the wheels turn­ing again.

First up is a song by With­in Temp­ta­tion called Nev­er End­ing Sto­ry. This is one of my favourites from their discography:

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