Tag Archives: 2001

Two Wings Indivisible

Two opales­cent birds of stone
Fleet of wing, so light­ly flown,

Breath­ing cop­per in Apol­lo’s sky
Mark­ing the place of he who died;

For once he flew but now has rest,
In jaden grip his corpse is dressed;

Those steel wings threw fire and fume,
But only doves can repair those plumes;

Marked below by wormy silence,
Marked above with frozen violence –

One sol­dier,
One stone,
Two wings,


Seven Words

You’re one who for so long I wished to final­ly meet,
A liv­ing dream? you asked, and hence I agreed.
Beau­ti­ful you thought me as I thought you: the
Per­son shar­ing so many of my thoughts. But
Inside one con­ver­sa­tion, sev­en words in me you drove deep,
And they, which no oth­er ever spoke, final­ly let me speak:
Out with poi­soned past! For at last I feel true.