Tag Archives: space

YouTube Treasures: Space Oddity at the ISS

A few years ago, I was floored by Col­lide’s awe­some ren­di­tion of David Bowie’s “Space Odd­i­ty.” Then, much more recent­ly, I found this ver­sion by Cana­di­an astro­naut Chris Had­field in the Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion dur­ing his final mission.

Talk about going out with a bang. He tunes the lyrics ever so slight­ly to the mis­sion … and sud­den­ly the Inter­net explodes with rever­ber­a­tions of his sheer awesomeness.

This is how such a beau­ti­ful song was meant to be performed …

(source via YT user David Bowiefans)