
Dis­em­bod­ied, lost and lonely
Drift­ing soft­ly among the mist
Liv­ing again your final moments
When death your sweet lips had kissed

You slipped away through shad­ows fair
And in the taint­ed respite, laid bare
To walk through the ether not know­ing why
To relive your hor­ror as the ages pass by

When you crossed that gos­samer shroud
Did you see the old gate­keep­er’s eyes,
Cau­ter­ized by age, see­ing through time?
Solemn shade is he, not here nor there
Writ­ing your name in stone as you left it behind.

How you crum­bled in that tri­al by fire,
To swim over the sea of despair
Dredge through musty chambers
And drown in warm star­lit tides

Fad­ing away from embers
Sparks are born and die
Ash­es wash up on a dis­tant shore
Have you ever won­dered why?

Whence fled those emo­tions, love
That graced a coun­te­nance fair
Brought light to dimmest shadows
And hope to a mind in despair?

Tis gone! you speak now in hol­low tones
As cold winds assail me and rat­tle my bones.

One time your eyes I glimpsed at last
For­ev­er haunt­ed by the empti­ness they cast
In naught but long­ing for answers and life
So my hopes crum­bled before your strife

It was for­ev­er and a day since then
But here we both final­ly stand
On ashen shores of a twi­light world
Lost and lone­ly, hand in hand.

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