
There once was cru­el­ty’s relent­less firebrand
Pur­su­ing you through those sad­den­ing years
As you did cross with time that ocean of fears
Fright­ened, sub­merged, search­ing for land

Tran­si­tion and knowl­edge, wis­dom from pain
You’ve sur­vived and risen to the sur­face again

To look on you now, so lus­cious and bright
Pleas­ant and warm with intel­lect sublime
Pris­tine and gor­geous, untouched by time
Swirling and laugh­ing, danc­ing in light

This is the moment that for so long I yearned
Shim­mer­ing flu­id joy, sweet truths learned

Walk­ing the elec­tron cat­a­comb, we’ve real­ized love
Strong­hold of con­fes­sion and pas­sion, behold
A land where noth­ing grows for­got­ten or old
Words on white screens bright­en dark skies above

Down a rab­bit hole I tum­bled, to old Wonderland
Where the Cheshire cat extend­ed her hand

What once was but dream is now that dream come true
I am lost in your eyes, their soft steel blue
Our meet­ing no coin­ci­dence, this pas­sion no lie
Sil­ver wings to the free! From now on, we fly …

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