Never Forever

Scat­ter these ash­es in the moonlight
Cold cin­ders float amongst the waves
With­in sight of ship, land, and waterfall
The mon­u­ment of gran­ite stands on an island small
Soli­tary reminder, a half-cable from shore.

Let me come with you on your mid­night voyage
Look to your aged sails, and then unto the stars
If you lis­ten close­ly now, you may even hear
The songs in the wind, so sweet and desolate

… Laments of the lover for those lost and found
… Bal­lads of nights when warm spir­its abound
… Shanties for gold-laden ships run aground

In the sap­phire par­adise of this cold autumn night
Falling asleep on sandy shores, bathed in dying firelight

You have final­ly found solace and hope

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