
The world’s qui­et promise stirs again
With her indi­go body and smil­ing moon,
A sleep­ing soul that awakes this night
Beneath a sky that stirs the memories

Life itself shall hear those echoes
Shap­ing anew in the dream­er’s hands
An armour of ages and haloed stars
Dis­tilled by heart to pro­tect the brave

That call to arms is rare on this side
Where dreams and exis­tence are as fluid
As the ebb and flow of cerulean tides
But to this clar­i­on, the land’s eye opens
Tonight cuts anew the found­ing stone
The blast­ing cry of a cen­tu­ri­on’s voice
Over a thou­sand years to meet today
And share the epic of our sto­ic song

Yes­ter­day he stood beneath the stones
Of a hun­dred ran­sacked Roman cities,
Fall­en in flame, their peo­ple mortar,
Foun­da­tions for hope of a bet­ter day

Yes­ter­day I heard the whis­per returning
When life was breathed into old secrets
And the world revealed a sim­pler place
With­out the guilt of our spoiled hopes

So tonight this call to arms has come
And I’ll wear my armour as remembrance
To nev­er for­get that win­ter’s day
When my own world died and slumbered.

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