Tag Archives: electronics

Understanding Electronics: The (Non)Magic of Free Energy

I fig­ured I’d make a brief post to wet my read­ers’ feet in the vast pond of elec­tron­ics engi­neer­ing. Here’s a real­ly inter­est­ing video about the sub­ject of free ener­gy, nar­rat­ed by a spe­cial­ist who actu­al­ly works in and under­stands elec­tron­ics, and is able to point out in fair­ly com­mon terms why and how free-ener­gy devices are not pos­si­ble to create.

TL;DR — it’s not because there exists any set of spe­cial workarounds to our exist­ing laws of physics, or that alter­nate laws of physics exist for well-known phe­nom­e­na that are some­how wait­ing to be writ­ten. Rather, it’s almost uni­ver­sal­ly the case that peo­ple, even well-mean­ing ones, tend to mis­in­ter­pret units of mea­sure, fail to prop­er­ly con­cep­tu­al­ize math­e­mat­i­cal equa­tions, and fail to incor­po­rate numer­ous sci­en­tif­ic pro­ce­dures and prin­ci­ples in their work. To add fuel to the fire, most peo­ple who cham­pi­on free ener­gy devices gen­er­al­ly choose to spend their time with those of the same mind­set, an effect which in time mul­ti­plies the shaky devi­a­tions of com­pre­hen­sion and foun­da­tion­al stud­ies, and fur­ther dimin­ish­es the capac­i­ty to be self-correcting.

Review: Rechargeable Batteries, and Why They’re Awesome

Now that we’re final­ly see­ing the dig­i­tal age slide into matu­ri­ty, the best advice any­one can take to heart is find­ing the per­fect bat­ter­ies. While dis­pos­ables remain in exis­tence even today, includ­ing the famil­iar alka­line cells com­mon­ly sold by depart­ment stores, the real­i­ty is these tech­nolo­gies have become out­dat­ed and are com­plete­ly inad­e­quate for meet­ing the needs of today’s advanced electronics.

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